IDEA_Angela ClarkeIDEA
Performer places blindfold over eyes. Sequence is performed as a duet with another performer
who lights this vignette with hand held lights.

Scratch, scratch, scratch all around
There’s an idea here to be found

Body quivering
The quickening, the rush,
The furious fumble to scribe.

To ingest, to divest its cajoling.


Flash of light
Rushes out to edges of flesh
Morsels given, startle and surprise
In fevered state ignite and politicise

Come hither idea
Don’t wither away

Oi idea
Get over here!


Fragile fragments lurk within fascia of feet,
Alliterative allusions jibber-jabber in joints,
Riffs and rhythms, in resounding semibreves,
Appear like shadows that disappear in the dark.

Idea, buried deep

Between the crevices of breasts,
You taste of sorrow and care not for the morrow
Your shape and form in a tender moment will be born.

Shh Shh Shhh

Lured to the threshold of sleep
Be silent, not a peep
Idea is here.

Idea, Idea won’t you stay?
Idea, Idea, come let’s play