Image: I AM_Angela Clarke


I am, therefore I think

I breathe,

I inhabit this place in time

Infuse this room with a lilting melody


I have four feet, planted upon the ground

Poised to hear sound

Rattle bones with overtones


Receive with ease a crystal frequency

Then breathe, breath meets word and word is heard

For I am singer, I am singer

I am song, I am song


Gliding between what cannot be seen

Taking it slow and letting it flow


Flesh and blood hold sway

Pulse on my lips, live fingertips

Wired, wired, wired, wired

Flesh and blood, hold sway


Don’t want to miss, vocal folds kiss

Don’t want to miss, vocal folds kiss

Don’t want to miss, vocal folds kiss (whispered)

Don’t want to miss, vocal folds kiss (whispered)


Ready to transmit – ow!

Read to transmit – ow!